
A light contemporary lace crescent inspired  by the warm colors of roses - the crescent grows from a single stitch and features a pointed border on the top edge. "Roses" is a simple lace pattern emphasizing the transitions between the harmonious naturally dyed colors, and a knitted-on lace border.


The crescent is knit on 4mm/US6 needles with 710yds/650m of Renaissance Dyeing naturally-dyed worsted-spun Merinos d’Arles yarn from sheep that graze the slopes of the French Alps.

A Roses kit is available here from Renaissance Dyeing. The total yardage of the kit is 200g/830yds/760m. I used about 80% of the yarn - the pdf includes a suggestion for using up all the yarn to make a deeper shawl.


The crescent is approximately 21.5in/55cm deep by 47.25in/120cm wide; gauge is approximately 16sts and 24 rows = 4in/10cm in lace pattern


In the sample shawl the colors are worked as shown in the image on the right, from left to right; the colors can be worked in a different order for a more stripy effect if you prefer.


The pdf contains charts and instructions. English and French versions of the pdf are available.


Roses is also available as part of the

Indigo & madder eBook.




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